Funding Expert, Trainer and Coach
Dino is a social entrepreneur applying multimedia communication for enhancing the perception of EU policies by public, private and civil sector stakeholders. He is an expert in the regional economy, focusing on innovation applied to territorial development projects. During 14 years of experience in developing, managing and evaluating European projects he worked on training, advising and coaching international institutions, public entities, private organizations and civil society actors on different aspects of effective project design, management, digital and live - formal and informal communication applied to EU projects, programs development and lobbying.
Master the Financial Management of European projects - Classroom-based Masterclass
Stress free management practices and dealing successfully with auditing by the European Commission.
Perseverant, talkative, ingenious
I am a social entrepreneur, researcher and teacher. I do my best to enhance the perception of policies by public, private and civil sector stakeholders.
I believe in effective communication and efficient people.
My engagement in territorial economic development is producing visible results through applied innovation projects.
I gained my professional experience working in the public, private and civil sector at local regional and European level.
Developing, managing and evaluating projects I researched and learned from the policy and the practices.
Training, advising and coaching international, national and local institutions, public entities, private organizations and civil society actors on different aspects of effective project design, management, communication and lobbing is my contribution to the development of a better society.
What is your current professional position?
I am director of the European Academy for Education and Social Research and project manager of EU funded projects for the European Projects Association and the Association Informo.
What learning achievements brought you to your current position?
At the International University Institute for European Studies I finished my PhD in Transborder Policies for the Daily Life, researching the role of multimedia communication when enhancing the perception of the effects of EU policies.
My Master degree is in e-Business and e-Government technologies and my Bachelor Degree is in Economy and trade. I studied at the University of Trieste in Italy.
What are your work experiences?
In the civil sector I worked as project and program manager at the European Projects Association, the Association Informo, the Ecomuseum Istrian de Dignan.
In the public sector I worked in the International cooperation and EU affairs Department of the Region of Istria and in the Istrian Cultural Agency as Senior Expert Associate for the development of International projects and was appointed as Official representative of the region to the EU institutions in Brussels.
In the private sector I established and managed companies, crafts and social enterprises in Croatia, Italy and Ireland.
I am still engaged in the private and civil sector supporting the public sector and the institutions as Permanent Member of the TIPIK External Speakers Team for the European Commission DG Communication Visitors Centre, Project Evaluator for the Horizon 2020 Program of the European Commission – Research Executive Agency.
I trained and coached professionals from the public, private and civil sector. I am accredited by the Croatian Ministry of Education and Science as Teacher of Interdisciplinary Social Science.
Which are your main fields of expertise?
Project design, management and communication are my fields of competence. Teaching is my passion.
Three words describing your professional attitude:
Can you disclose the main ingredients that bring excellence into your work?
I perform with excellence just when I break free from any emotional addiction and I turn on the senses. Discipline is something I am still working on and I will always practice. Love is the basic ingredient. I love what I do and I do what I love!
What has been your most important professional achievement until now?
I went, in less than 3 years, from being an intern to the best payed position in the organisation where I worked. Every project was a great achievement. My expertise was recognised by the higher institutional levels in Europe and my performances payed at really high hourly rates. Then I realised that I was not looking for it. My most important professional achievement was when I understood why I achieved all those results without a particular ambition or intention. It was a turning point in my life.
What are you currently working on?
I am helping people designing and managing effective circular projects.
What is the next important objective you desire to attain?
I would love to achieve a sustainable lifestyle and transfer to my daughter useful values for a healthy life.
What are you doing for a better society?
I am trying to make as less disposables as possible in professional projects as in daily life.
EUROPEAN ACADEMY for Education and Social Research
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